Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tolong Ingatkan Aku :D

semalam..xtdpat tido..huhu..cuak sesangat..pg td senior saya ingatkan sy perkara nie..sy hampir terlupa..result daa ad..i hve to face it ap pun yg sy bkal dpat nnt..huhu..cuak sangat...tkowt..but i hve to think +ve..USAHA + DOA + TAWAKAL + REDHA..if saya dah berusaha..dah mohon doa & pertolongan dr Allah..now i hve to tawakal..then bila daa dpat result..sy knelh redha dgan ap yg sy dpat 2..i believe in ALAH..SETIAP YG BERLAKU 2 PASTI AD HIKMAH NYEW..
tenang n jus prepare urselt to accept what u will get today..what ever the result..u need to have it..the moment u know the result..it just like the moment u was born 18 years ago..it is the beginning of ur real life..only u will create..how ur life is..dont be sad if u feel bad today bcoz the successful come after failure..be strong..
p/s : to all SPM candidates 2010..may all of us get what the best for us..dont wurry if u fail..Allah always
       know what is the best for us.. : )

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